composing soundtracks for films
Sound Synthesis
50,00 €

In Sound Synthesis, you will learn how to identify and evaluate the objective and subjective principles underlying the perception...

Aesthetic in Film Scoring
50,00 €

An investigation into the aesthetic relationship between Film and Music. Discussion, analysis...

Portfolio in Film Scoring
50,00 €

These online lessons will allow students to work on various projects in different styles of film music. 

Orchestration for Strings
50,00 €

Orchestration techniques and arranging for string orchestra in different styles of film music.

Orchestration for Woodwinds
50,00 €

Orchestration techniques and arranging for woodwinds orchestra in different styles of film music.

Orchestration for Brass
50,00 €

Orchestration and arranging techniques for brass ensemble in different styles of film music

Writing for Choir and Voice
50,00 €

Writing techniques for choir, choir and orchestra, voice and choir, voice and orchestra in different techniques

Song Writing
50,00 €

Song writing and arranging techniques: melody, lyrics, structure in the different styles of modern music

Vocal Writing
50,00 €

Contemporary writing and production techniques for vocal groups of different sizes...

50,00 €

Arranging techniques for bands in various styles: pop, rock, swing, etc etc

Arranging for Big Band
50,00 €

Arrangement techniques for big bands in different styles

Musical Theater Arranging and Orchestration
50,00 €

Orchestration and composition in musical theater. The students will organize and orchestrate the songs...

Contemporary Counterpoint
50,00 €

Contrapuntal techniques in modern composition and film music in its different styles.

Traditional Counterpoint
50,00 €

Analysis and counterpoint in its 5 species. Composition in different counterpoint ...

Contemporary Music Notation
50,00 €

Contemporary musical notation in the different techniques of modern styles and compositions

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